Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sleep Are You There?

Sleep...sleep...where are you? I've seem to have lost you! Last week Corbin did so well sleeping all night one night and most of the night one other time. Those days are gone and we are back to sleeping 3 hours and being done. It was a rough night to say the least. I never made it to bed. I was up cleaning for my friend to come and then once I got in the bed...guess who got up? Yep my main squeeze :) Oh well like they say this won't last long...right? Anyway I'm super excited that I'm having a play date today. Ok so she's bringing one of her little boys but he's too young to play with Corbin so basically it's just us sitting around and gossiping. Ahhh girl talk how I've missed you! I love my family, don't get me wrong, but I desperately need girl talk to stay sane. She is on her way and I've got lunch started. Corbin is finally sleeping and I'm taking a few minutes to sit down before he's up and running around. I'm hoping that today will set the mood for a great weekend. I so need a good one. I've been feeling kinda bleh lately. Hopefully this will kick start a wonderful weekend. So anyway guess I need to go finish up lunch and wake up Corbin, yes I said wake him up, if he sleeps much later it means no nap time, which means, earlier bed time, which means he'll be up my midnight :(

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pass the Margaritas Please

I'm not much of a drinker and I haven't had a drink since Jan. 2009 but tonight I could sure use one. Today was just one of those days where you don't want to get out of the bed and face the day. Unfortunately Corbin was ready to face the day at 3 am, and since I didn't get to sleep until almost 2 it didn't make for the best start to the day. Thankfully hubster comes home around 6:15 so I got a much needed break. My great Aunt passed away a few days ago and today was the viewing. Since my mom has been battling the stomach flu (thanks to my boys for sharing) I ran a few errands for her this morning, picking up a meat and cheese tray for family, delivering it, paying a few bills, the usual. I did slow down long enough to enjoy my lunch with my boys. We had our lunch on our back porch, Corbin's new favorite place to eat. It's so cute because when I was little whatever my mom or dad had on their plate always tasted better than what I had, even if we had the same thing, well today I've noticed that Corbin thinks mine must taste better too! And that's just fine because I'm still that way even today...whatever Chris has always tastes better than mine. Anyway my car had an appointment today to get her front end readjusted (I'm beginning to think I might need mine too ha!). Well what was supposed to be just an hour long 74.99 job turned out to be much more. The place closes at 5 and they called me at 4:30 to tell me that they couldn't do it because I needed new ball joints-which would cost...wait for it because trust me it's dramatic...

Once I picked my jaw up off the floor I made sure that they knew not to touch my car I was coming to get it. My day immediately got worse. I just had new tires put on my car that was a whooping 590.00 and now if I don't get my front end aligned it will ruin my tires. My day went down hill fast. But what can you do? I guess Corbin will just have to flip burgers for a living because there is no way we can afford to live and save money for college or anything else for that matter! Chris said not to worry and to enjoy the day. He is the best at trying to make me forget my problems. We got dressed up and went to dinner before we had to go to the viewing tonight at the funeral home. I know most funerals are super sad, but I was really happy to spend some time with family. I feel like Corbin is growing up so fast and my parents and my sis and her family are the only ones that really know Corbin. Corbin enjoyed running around with the M&M girls. *my cousin and his wife's initials are MM-both of them are and all the girls have M names-therefore they are the M&M family-which is where I got the idea for all C names while we were naming shopping* To make the most of our night when we left the funeral home I treated my boys to frozen yogurt at The Mix. If you live in Newnan you must try this place!!! We love it. Hubster and I actually got the same amount of ice cream tonight... 10.9 oz. each. I think he had three different kinds of yogurt, I had two and a ton of toppings. I decided to go healthy tonight, I had Very French Vanilla and Key Lime yogurt, mangos, strawberries, raspberries, coconut, walnuts, pecans, mango sauce, kiwi sauce, and marshmallow creme! Oh was it ever good!!!! Then to top off the night we came home and jumped on the trampoline in the dark. So I guess it was about an even day of goods and bads. Not sure what I will do about my car...but there is always tomorrow so I'm not going to spend the night worrying. Think I'll go pour myself a cherry Dr. pepper and snuggle on the couch with the hubster :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Sweet Boy

May 10, 2009; a day that will forever be etched in my memory. It was the day before Mother's Day and I had an early appointment at Baby Dimensions to find out what we were having. While shopping at Target a few weeks before I picked out the cutest little pink stroller that held her first baby doll. Chris picked out a Mickey Mouse airplane and it was decided right then it there whatever we were having...that was his/her first birthday gift. I secretly thought I was a having girl. Well just a few minutes later after we got there we found out...It's a BOY!!! I cried. I've never told anyone this but Chris, but they weren't tears of joy. I cried because I really wanted a girl. Carrie Nicole. My mom had bought a dress for her to come home in. Yes seriously. I know we are both a little crazy. I dried my tears and thought about how silly I was being. I became thankful that my baby was healthy and that's all that really mattered. We stopped at Babies' R Us and Chris bought a teether, a blue and green teether to be exact. Devin bought his first baseball and I bought a brown and green diaper bag. I spent months getting ready for Corbin. I became quickly disappointed that there isn't much stuff for boys. No super cute clothes. You can't put bows in boys hair or paint their nails. Then on October 1st 2009 Corbin Wilson Tweedell entered this world and I honestly don't know how I existed before. He was perfect! He was a boy and all I've ever wanted. No there wasn't any frilly clothes-big bows-or pink in our house we are ALL BLUE! He is 18 months old now and he is ALL BOY-100%! We play in the dirt, dig for worms, squish bugs, run, jump, try to fly, have gun fights, watch cowboys and Indians, burp loud and laugh a lot. I can't imagine why in the world I wanted a girl now! Who wants to sit inside and have tea parties....not me! We've had a fun filled day and you know how I know he had a great time...because he was filthy when we came inside tonight :) Dirty baby=Happy Boy :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Great Friends

My mom has always said that you can never have too many friends. How true this is. But is it really worth having a bunch of people that you call friends if they are only friends some of the time? Not sure about that one. But I've learned a very important lesson this week. I would rather have two or three great friends than have a whole bunch of friends that are only friends with me when it's convenient for them. We went and celebrated a big birthday last night with Chris's old friend from work. We don't get to see this couple very much since Chris no longer works with him and they don't live around here but when we do get together it's like we pick right up where we left off. They are the same people every time we see them, no phony act with these two. They are a joy to be around and we love there kids and they adore Corbin. That's what true friends are. They can share the good, the bad, and the ugly with you and not worry that you will judge them. I could call them anytime day or night and they would be here for us. They love us for who we are and we love them the same. Here is just one picture from the night and it's my favorite. I love this girl! We are here for each other through thick and thin! Can't wait to spend more time with them! Happy Birthday Mr. Scott T. Hall :)

Miss Chrissy, Me, and Of course my sidekick Corbin :)