Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy of 1

So it's father's day and I've been blessed with three incredible men in my life. My grandfather, my dad, and now my incredible husband. I think that when you look for your husband, partner, etc. you (if you are anything like me) look for someone that would make a great dad. Well as I was getting to know him around 11 years ago now; he told me he wanted 12 kids. WHAT!!! ARE YOU CRAZY! Well he loved kids and that is what he wanted. Fast forward 8 years later and we found out we were expecting our first baby! We found out on his birthday. From the second I found out I was pregnant he took the very best care of me. We took a hard hit the next week finding out that he lost his job. Was he upset? Nope...he said he had a baby on the way and things were great. I on the other hand was beyond upset. At a time where he should have depended on me for support I found myself depending on him as my rock. He has this sense of calm like no one I've ever met. While I was pregnant he waited on me hand and foot. I didn't have to cook anything, clean, or do anything I didn't want to do. I had a horrible pregnancy. I stayed swelled up and Chris knew taking a bath was so comfortable so what did he do? He moved my tv into the bathroom from the bedroom so I could at least keep up with some news while I soaked. For my first Mother's Day he surprised me with a beautiful picnic table. Something I will cherish forever.

He was there for every doctor's appointment while I was pregnant. He went to every shower we had and he participated also :)

Then the day come to have our baby boy. He was so nervous because the day I went to the hospital they started me on poticin to speed up the process and he had a job interview the next day for his dream job. Luckily little Corbin wanted daddy to be there too and boy was I glad. My labor was a nightmare. Chris became my voice when I couldn't make anyone else understand. He finally got them to listen to me and him and they ended up doing a c-section on me. During the c-section I quit breathing and the nurses didn't notice. Thank God for my husband because he did and he alerted the nurses. At 6:44 pm on October 1st 2009 I gave birth to our son, Corbin Wilson Tweedell. And Chris hasn't stopped smiling yet.
From the minute he was born he has been a dedicated father. He changed Corbin's 1st diaper, fed him when he could, and held him alot. When we came home he was Mr. Mom. He did everything. He would get up in the middle of the night. Wake me up, hand me the baby, and wait for me to feed him then put him back to bed. He handled everything. He stayed up all night to take care of both of us. He was still unemployed at this time in our lives and looking back now I'm so glad he was. He did everything in our house. He kept it clean (cleaner than I can even manage now!), he cooked, and cared for our newborn. I knew our time with daddy would eventually come to an end when he got a job. And of course it did. Chris got hired on a the County Prison. This is him before his last interview. I was so proud that he stayed persistent and got the job he wanted.

Working at a prison isn't the easiest thing in the world but he wants Corbin to be proud of him. Once he got hired we found out he had to leave for school to become certified. He went for 5 weeks to intense boot camp. Running, classes, being away from us :( Our weekends became even more special with daddy. Corbin loved the weekends when daddy was home and we didn't sleep much when he was away. But Chris was strong and it was just one more thing he could do to make our family better.

This is him at graduation!

Over the past almost two years I've watched him grow from my husband to an amazing dad. He gets up in the middle of the night when I think I can't possible get up one more time. He loves playing with our boy. They play cars, watch movies, and share snacks everyday.

I do believe there favorite thing to do together has become napping and hey who can blame them?

Chris spent a month of weekends putting together a huge swing set for Corbin. Corbin would help his daddy work on it. Most dads I grew up around would have paid someone else to do it, but not Corbin's daddy. He built this thing with is own to hands. And Corbin loves him even more for it! And so do I.

And in this last picture you can clearly tell Corbin loves his daddy and his daddy loves him. A father can teach a child so much and I'm so glad Corbin has a daddy that loves him, takes time with him, and teaches him new things all the time.

I am so blessed to have found the perfect man to create the "perfect baby" for me. I love him very much and he is the rock to our little family. So to sum it up...he is our Mr. Wonderful :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Blog Problems

Is anyone else having problems commenting on blogs? Every time I try to comment (now for weeks) it takes me back to the log in page. Ugghhhh blogger I NEED to comment!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Confessionals :)


Because I can't turn down getting stuff off my chest here goes:

I confess...that no matter what I decide for Corbin I feel like I've made the wrong decision...nap? no nap? and that's just the beginning.

I the end of the day I usually lie awake in bed and wish I had done more...cleaned a little more, played with Corbin a little more, maybe cooked a little more, worked out...always more.

I confess...I thought I had some really great friends until lately. It hurts to see people out that you thought were good friends only to have them just wave and go on...but I won't be hurt by this anymore. I'll just take note and make new friends.

I confess...I have an overdue fine at the library and I need to go pay it and sign Corbino up for the reading's summer already here :)

I confess...I love summer time but having 100 degree weather this soon is CRAZY!

Ok that should be all for now. Can't wait to see everyone else's confessionals :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bored Tonight

Thought I would link up tonight and do this since I'm a little bit bored. How can I be bored with a toddler in the house. Well he's been in the bed since 10 and even though my hubster is home he's downstairs in the Man Den watching a movie...and I've been ordered not to clean (OK :)) and to spend some me time. My "me" time tonight is coming in the form of blogging :) So here goes.


{1} If the blogging world had a talent show, what would your act be?
Oh geez...I have no talent what so ever...I can't sing, can't dance, can't play an instrument...I'll get to back to ya on that.

{2} What's the most likely reason you might become famous?
Well since the last question covered talent...I'm going to have to say it would be for winning the's the only hope I have for becoming famous :)

{3} What question are you repeatedly asked that you are tired of hearing?
So when are you having another baby!!!! I'm not so please don't ask anymore. I had a hard pregnancy and labor and it's my choice not to have anymore. I love Corbin with everything I have and I want him to have the best life possible and I think I can give him more if he's the only one. Will I regret this one day? Nope. Do I love babies? Yes...can't resist holding one when I see it. Do I miss Corbin being a baby? Everyday. But I don't get baby fever when I see them or hold them. My baby days are done. And I know this is completely off the subject well not entirely...but let me feel you in on something funny my husband has come up with. Somehow we got to talking about pain...and he said that a man getting hit in his groin is worse than a woman having a baby. Well I felt like punching him soon as he said it but I figured I would hear him here is his theory. Years after a woman has a baby she says..."oh it wasn't that bad, I will just get an epidural and I won't feel a thing. I really want a baby, they are so sweet...blah blah blah" but you never hear a man say..."you know just hit me in the groin it didn't hurt that bad" HA HA HA. He does have a point...well maybe :)
{4} What's the last thing you broke?
Thank God my hubster doesn't read my blog because the last thing I broke was his sunglasses...ooops :( And I haven't told him yet.
{5} Finish this sentence. I can't believe I used to ________.
Laugh when someone at a restaurant couldn't control their kids. I would think ha that will never be me. Guess what? I sometimes have that child that is screaming in the restaurant because his mommy isn't eating fast enough or feeding him fast enough and I love it when "that" to be mom looks at me...I know just what she is thinking.

Well that was fun. Don't forget to link up :)