Friday, September 17, 2010

Our Work in Progress

Yippie! Show Us Your Life is Back. This is something really fun to do with your blog. This girl started this last year and she is back and it's better. This time it's show us where you live. Every Friday for a while she will post a new room and you take pictures of your room post it and blog about it. It's a fun way to be nosy in someone else's home and to get lots of new ideas! This week it's Show us your Living Room. So here goes.

Our Living Room is currently not the way I want it. Our TV went out about 3 months ago. Since we still had the old style tv (huge back and bulky) I decided to give it away to someone that was willing to have it fixed. In the mean time we are saving up for a flat panel that we can simply hang on the wall.

This is the view as you walk through our front door. Please excuse the fan in the window...we haven't had air in quiet a while (although we are supposed to have it by tonight!) Our Living Room and Kitchen is open so you do see barstools at the counter. I'm trying not to get the kitchen in the pictures because I know we will blog about that later :)
Ok so this is the view from our couch. Since Corbin has started crawling I don't spend much time in the here because of the glass table. And it's not because I don't want to clean finger prints all day, it's just easier to stay in the toy room. For Christmas I am getting a new coffee table and a new sofa table! So hopefully this will help the look of the living room.

This is my view from my rocking chair looking down our hall. Hopefully once I get my sofa table I will pull the couch away from the wall and place the table against the wall to kind of make a hall way behind the couch. And I would love three big pictures of us on the wall that you see.

This is our view from the kitchen. Love love love my mirror on the wall. Not sure it really goes with the room but I won't take it down. My daddy bought it for me before Chris even closed on this house!
And last but not least this is our fireplace. It's electric. I knew it would be smarter with a baby not to have a real fireplace (plus it's less mess!) We are as decorated for Halloween as we get. Each of these silly things make noise and spin around or move to some extent. Corbin loves them (he's not afraid of anything!)

So that's my little living room. It's nothing fancy but it's us. It's our home and I love every inch of it (even the dirty ones!)

Next week is Master Bedrooms!


  1. You're fireplace is beautiful! What a lovely home. Thanks for sharing!x
