Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day. A few years ago all it meant was going and finding the perfect gift for my mom. Two years ago all that changed.

Here is me on Mother's Day in 2009, I had found out the day before that I was expecting a baby boy. Corbin Wilson Tweedell. He has forever changed my life and what Mother's Day means to me.

Moms are a special breed of people. They can do the unthinkable. Moms stay up all night with babies and yet manage to get up at 7 am when the alarm clock goes off. They cook meals, wash the dishes, all while entertaining little ones. Moms are never off duty. They are 24/7 nurses, teachers, counselors, referees, and list of other things. I'm so lucky to know so many great moms. So here in this long blog I'm going to introduce you to just a few of the amazing moms I know. So let's start...

First is my mom. What an incredible mom she is. I can't even begin to tell you what she means to me. She and I have a relationship like no other! She is one of my best friends. She is a loving, caring, sweet mom, who I've learned everything about being a mom from. She devoted her life to me. She quit work when I was born to take care of me. She did a great job. I know I wasn't the easiest child, I hated sleep (if you wondered where Corbin got that from ha!), I didn't eat sandwhiches (I had to have vegetables at every meal, and at least three of them ), and I hated clothes, which meant most of the time she was fighting me to keep them on. Now she is an even better Granny to Corbin. He is super lucky to have a granny that loves him so much.

Next is Miss Romick. I met this girl in the 6th grade and as time went on she was the last person I thought I would have two kids before me. Well she did and let me tell you she is one amazing mom. She loves her boys and you can truly tell. She is devoted to them like no other mom. It seems like most of her kids lives she has been away from home *Newnan* See her husband joined the Army which took them to Oklahoma where she had her second child. Then the Army took them to Japan. Now raising one child is a difficult task if you ask me but throw in two kids, a 13 hour plane ride, moving to a foreign country where you know no one and not even able to speak their langauage...well I would be a nervous wreck and on the first plane back to the "states". But did she? No. She made the most of it. This is why I look up to her. She took the situtation and made the most of it. She is one brave mama! *And let me explain the picture...this is right after they came back to the states and this is Corbin's first time meeting her. She is trying to convince him to have his picture made and that she isn't crazy!*

Ok now onto Miss Bays. This girl makes everything look simple. She's got twin girls that are too cute for words. She was the maid of honor in my wedding and while planning my wedding I got used to seeing her girls a lot. When I found out I was pregnant with Corbin I prayed he was twins because I saw how easy she made it look. She makes sure her girls have fun even doing the simplest things. She doesn't live near us so I rely on facebook to know how the girls are doing. I enjoy watching her post how the girls enjoy splashing in mud puddles. These are things that most parents have abannoned. I love that they go to the library and take adavantage of the little things. She is an amazing mom that never ceases to amaze me. I look up to her and remember to take time to just enjoy Corbin as he is. (This picture was made at their house Christmas 2009, she couldn't wait to get her hands on Corbin!)

So here is a new friend of mine that I think of as Super Mom. Why? Well let's see...she has a daughter the same age as Corbin, plus a new baby Cullen. She is a high school teacher that teaches AP European History, plus she teaches a college class once a week too. Full plate? I think so. She has became a very close friend of mine. I enjoy talking to her and watching how she mothers her children. It's so great to have someone with a child close to Corbin's age. I think she must be super mom to have two kids under the age of two!!!

Now to change it up just a bit. This is my Aunt Jeanine. She is like a mother to me. She used to tease me that she gave me up for adoption so my parents could have another child. We are very much a like! When I have a bad day I know I can call her and some how she puts everything into perspective. I so wish we lived closer so I could spend more time with her. And so Corbin would know her better. She is one awesome Aunt. :)

Ok for this next person I have to thank Chris. I met Chrissy through Chris's best man Scott. Chrissy is the beautiful mother to three babies. She has Kyllie who is 4, Brentlee how is one 15 months old, and Bryson who is 9 weeks old. She like all moms struggle with juggling work, the house hold chores, and married life. What do I adore about her? She is real. She doesn't sugar coat anything to me. I learn so much from watching her. She loves her church and believes in God like no one else I know. She is a sweet, kind, loving girl and I am so lucky to know her!

And last but certainly not least...there was Amy. My best friend in the whole world. She was the BEST mom hands down. She is the kind of mom who didn't care if the kids ran through the house and made a mess as long as they were having a good time. I remember sitting on her couch and listening to the doors open and slam a million times while her three kids ran through the house, in the front door and out the back. She loved her kids like no other. I swear there wasn't anything she would't do for them. Amy was a smart, loving person; who honestly in my eyes could do no wrong. I looked up to her for everything. There wasn't anything she couldn't do. Amy died a few years back and days like today make me so sad. Sad because she isn't here for her kids to celebrate Mother's day with, sad because she didn't meet Corbin, sad because her mom doesn't have anyone to visit her and bring her flowers, cards, or a sweet gift because her only child is gone. Even though Corbin and I visited and left her a card with a flower I know it isn't the same. So tonight I sit here and struggle with the fact that I'm lucky to have Corbin yet I feel so sad that so many moms don't have their children to hold or hug tonight. I'm so lucky to have Corbin and even though he doesn't sleep, and we've reached the terrible twos a little bit early I'm lucky to be his mom! Happy Mother's Day

Here's Amy and her youngest boy Austin, of course Amy is driving the big there anything she couldn't do? I don't think so :)

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