Corbin has a beautiful baby book. I picked it out when I first found out I was pregnant because it matched his room. Every month I get it out and fill in everything for that month, weight, height, eating habits, etc. But in the back of the book it says "Why you are special" well it only gave me two pages to write things down. How am I supposed to fit Why he's so special in two pages? I try to write down things I'm sure I will forget one day. Since I've run out of room in the book (I'm trying to find a new place to write all this silly stuff) I thought I would share some of the "little things" he's doing now.
The boy has a temper. (He gets it honest though). He loves keys, just the metal part and when you take them away from him, he will ball his fists up and shake them at you. (To start with it was very cute, now not so much)
When he eats mashed potatoes, his favorite food, he makes the cutest noise. It's like ummmm, ummmm, nummm! Precious!
He loves dogs! He will stop dead in his tracks no matter what he's doing if you mention a dog. And don't bother asking, no he's not getting a dog any time soon. A baby is expensive enough.
He will holler da da all day long, but when he gets hungry he calls ma ma. Sweet I know :)
I asked him one day where da da was a he said "home" Hasn't said Home since then but he said it once.
He loves to try to talk, so far he's said Ma ma Da Da JJ (my little cousin), dollar (which he's said twice, and my parents are giving him one every time he says it, and no it didn't work when I said it), and we think he's said Uncle once. Oh and he said DOG very clearly at Sharon and Duane's house. I think that covers all the words he's said so far...I think.
Those are just a few of the things I find so precious, now off to write those in his baby book. :)
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