Monday, July 12, 2010

More Questions than Answers

So being a first time mommy, even though I've taken care of kids before, is becoming a challenge for me. I have a million questions and no right answers. Dilemma #1-Corbin doesn't sleep. Ok so he gets this natural. My mom says I didn't sleep through the night until I was 4. Boy payback stinks. Corbin has sleep 6 hours one time, ahhh I remember it all to well. It was Christmas Eve and I woke up at 6 in the morning thinking he had quit breathing. Nope he was sleeping. Best Christmas gift EVER! Since then I'm thankful he he sleeps 3 hours without waking up. I'm exhausted most mornings. I called the lactation specialists at the hospital today to ask her about it, and she made me feel a lot better. She said Corbin is so big and healthy that he just needs more food, that's why he wakes up. She is NOT a fan of "let him cry it out" and neither am I. And some people look at my crazy when I tell them Corbin sleeps with us. Some nights I do put him in the toddler bed in our room, but I move him in our bed eventually. He's only little once right? I know I'm spoiling him, so sue me. Maybe I'm not looking for answers just a little nod that I'm doing ok. Corbin is healthy and happy so what if he's not sleepy.
Ok Dilemma #2, Corbin has a birthday coming up fast. He will be 1 on October 1st. So I've been trying to develop a guest list and all the other fun stuff that goes along with birthday parties. So here is the problem. Who do I invite? Chris and I both have lots of family. Does everyone see Corbin regularly? No. My theory is...if they have never seen him why invite them? I don't want people coming just to bring a gift. I want people there that have seen Corbin and that love Corbin. To come and celebrate his birth not to just meet him for the 1st time. No one in our family has kids close to Corbin's age so where do I draw a cut off limit to people. I do want to invite Corbin's friends from Baby-time and our friends but I'm at a loss for family. I have about 2 and half months but I love to plan ahead of time. So how big do you do the 1st birthday? He won't remember this so I have a hard time planning some elaborate party. I'll save those for when he might actually remember them.
Anyways those are my thoughts for the day. They probably seem petty to you but that's what's going on here anyways. Hope this Monday is good for everyone :) Blog ya later :0)

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