Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Better Half

For richer or poorer, in good times and bad, til death do us part. Words to live by once you get married. When I met Chris I wasn't looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. I was 17 and hadn't been on but one date. Never in my wildest dream did I imagine I would end up falling completely head over heels for this guy and marry him some 8 years later. He was more than I could have ever asked for in a spouse. He definitely brings out the best in me. He knows me better than anyone. Even though I have my moments he loves me unconditionally. When I was younger I had a friend, Amy, whose husband was crazy about her. It didn't matter what she did, he was there for her and he loved her like crazy! I thought that's the kind of man I want to marry. When I was in labor with Corbin and I watched Chris stand by my side, hold my hand while I was pain, and try his best to make me smile I knew then I had found my soul mate. He is one amazing dad and husband. He is truly my better half. He makes me a better person and I just hope that Corbin grows up to be just like him. Which is some pretty big shoes to fill.

Couldn't resist putting this picture up. You can tell by looking at his face he is the one that was staying up ALL night with Corbin every night. I was so drugged up the first month that I was home he would stay up ALL night long and wake me up when it was time to feed Corbin. He changed every diaper in the middle of the night. I never had to leave the bed. He is an amazing man and I just felt like bragging :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mommy Needs A Play Date

So the more and more I think about I think play dates are just as important for me as they are for Corbin. I haven't had one in about two or three weeks and I think I'm dying for one! Corbin only has two friends that are actually close to his age so I don't want to stalk them for a play date but I NEED ONE! Play dates have kind of become my way of talking to someone in an adult voice who actually listens and responds back. Don't get me wrong I love my time with my son but I need my girl talk too. And trust me I talk about completely different stuff with my hubster than I talk about with my "girls". I would love to have a girls night out but with money tight with everyone right now I would feel guilty leaving Corbino and the hubster and spend money on myself. So that's about all that I needed to get off my chest. It's been pretty busy around here between hubster putting together the swing set and having people over to watch the baby play outside. By the way our yard looks like Disney World and I'm not kidding. We've got a ton of toys...I'm sure people are riding by going when did they open a day care center there? What can I say? Our baby boy is blessed. Oh and speaking of which...I got cleaned out this drawers the other day and refolded everything...the kid has 63 pair of shorts! Who needs that many? Did I buy them all? Nope I can honestly say that 95% were hand me downs! Love those! I think I might have 5 pair of shorts and I'm pretty sure Chris has maybe 6 or 7 but our child has 63! Guess that's what happens when you have 4 older cousins that are all boys! Well Corbino has been in bed for about an hour now...think I'll go grab a nice hot bath and crawl in bed beside him and play the DSi until I fall asleep too. Oh and Happy Spring. It used to be my favorite time of year but since Corbino has developed allergies it means No open windows :(

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog Giveaway

I've becomed obessed with finding Corbin cute monogramed clothes without spending a fortune. So far the only thing he has his is 1st birthday shirt, which he wears ALL the time. So I found a great blog a long time ago and now she's hosting a giveaway for a 50.00 credit from SHESHEMADE! I sure hope I can win Corbin some cute clothes!

Want to enter? Go here and follow the directions. Good Luck!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

This is Why We are Perfect for Each Other

So last night my parents bought Corbin a trampoline! It's huge! I was slightly excited for myself because I love to jump! But I was more excited that maybe just maybe this would wear Corbin out so we could both get some much needed sleep. Well since Chris works nights some times I leave a note to let him know what went on while he was a work. Last night I left him a lengthy note letting him know what the plans were for Easter, that I made him a special little snack in the fridge, and that my parents bought a trampoline for our already packed yard and they were coming to put it up today. So I asked him in the note "where do you want it?" Here is what the note said in response to my question.

In case you can't read that it says..."trampoline put here" Because it's flat land. Ok so I saw this and laughed because I thought he was being silly, you know x marks the spot. So anyway Corbin and go outside and what do I spot soon as I open our front door? This...

Seriously x marked the spot where the trampoline was supposed to go. This is why we are perfect for each other! He knows exactly what I need from him. A visual :) He's the best husband ever and I'm so glad he's mine!

Friday, March 11, 2011

#1 Construction Party

Woo hoo! This week over at Kelly's Korner it's Show Us Your Life-Kid's Birthday Parties! Boy do I love to plan parties. I swear to you I was planning Corbin's 1st birthday before he was born. When he was born it was like the countdown was on. We put a lot of thought into his first party and I hope that it showed. We decided to go with a construction theme. I researched the Internet what seemed like forever! I found a great website it gave me a ton of ideas. From those ideas and few of my own here is what we did for Corbin's 1st birthday party!

Together Chris and I went to numerous yard sales hunting down any kind of road signs. I was lucky enough to find a guy that knew someone that worked on the road department crew here in Newnan and I found real street signs. Got three of them for only 15.00 which I considered a steal! (Plus they did double duty, they were cute hanging on the trees on the way down my sis's driveway where the party was held, now they look awesome in my husbands game room)

Here is a picture of the tables...each table had a it's own dirt cake in a bucket. This worked out great and plus someone from each table ended up taking cake home!

We really used all of our cousin works for GA Power and he got us these real construction cones, perfect for roping off gifts.

Here is Corbin's Cake, at the time he wasn't a big sweets person so we did him a dirt cake too, no smash cake for our precious boy, but I think he loved the cake! By the way his banner says Being One Rocks..and the cake was covered in chocolate rocks.

Lots of people told us not to invite many people, keep it small, he will get whiny with all the people around...blah blah blah. Well we had 50+ guests with adults and kids and he loved every minute of it. He is such a people person that it was like a perfect day to him. Plenty of people to play with him, hold him, love on him, and watch him open tons of gifts. And he acted like he loved every one of them! (even the clothes!)

And boy did he rack up on the gifts or what!

Here's one idea I stole from another person. It says Corbin's Construction Est. Oct 1 2009 (his birthday) And it was covered with pictures from the time he was born until his birthday!

He had an awesome party! We served hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw, chips and drinks. Each kid got a hard hat, a tool apron (super cheap at Lowe's), a goodie bag complete with stickers, silly bands, bubbles, and a little bit of candy! The party last a few hours and it was perfect in our eyes and I kid you not before we could leave my sister's drive way I was talking about his second one. But you've gotta give me a little credit her driveway is almost a mile long! HA! (Just a little secret I'm planning a Cowboy party for this year and I've already got a million ideas) I can't wait to see what everyone else has come up with!