Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy of 1

So it's father's day and I've been blessed with three incredible men in my life. My grandfather, my dad, and now my incredible husband. I think that when you look for your husband, partner, etc. you (if you are anything like me) look for someone that would make a great dad. Well as I was getting to know him around 11 years ago now; he told me he wanted 12 kids. WHAT!!! ARE YOU CRAZY! Well he loved kids and that is what he wanted. Fast forward 8 years later and we found out we were expecting our first baby! We found out on his birthday. From the second I found out I was pregnant he took the very best care of me. We took a hard hit the next week finding out that he lost his job. Was he upset? Nope...he said he had a baby on the way and things were great. I on the other hand was beyond upset. At a time where he should have depended on me for support I found myself depending on him as my rock. He has this sense of calm like no one I've ever met. While I was pregnant he waited on me hand and foot. I didn't have to cook anything, clean, or do anything I didn't want to do. I had a horrible pregnancy. I stayed swelled up and Chris knew taking a bath was so comfortable so what did he do? He moved my tv into the bathroom from the bedroom so I could at least keep up with some news while I soaked. For my first Mother's Day he surprised me with a beautiful picnic table. Something I will cherish forever.

He was there for every doctor's appointment while I was pregnant. He went to every shower we had and he participated also :)

Then the day come to have our baby boy. He was so nervous because the day I went to the hospital they started me on poticin to speed up the process and he had a job interview the next day for his dream job. Luckily little Corbin wanted daddy to be there too and boy was I glad. My labor was a nightmare. Chris became my voice when I couldn't make anyone else understand. He finally got them to listen to me and him and they ended up doing a c-section on me. During the c-section I quit breathing and the nurses didn't notice. Thank God for my husband because he did and he alerted the nurses. At 6:44 pm on October 1st 2009 I gave birth to our son, Corbin Wilson Tweedell. And Chris hasn't stopped smiling yet.
From the minute he was born he has been a dedicated father. He changed Corbin's 1st diaper, fed him when he could, and held him alot. When we came home he was Mr. Mom. He did everything. He would get up in the middle of the night. Wake me up, hand me the baby, and wait for me to feed him then put him back to bed. He handled everything. He stayed up all night to take care of both of us. He was still unemployed at this time in our lives and looking back now I'm so glad he was. He did everything in our house. He kept it clean (cleaner than I can even manage now!), he cooked, and cared for our newborn. I knew our time with daddy would eventually come to an end when he got a job. And of course it did. Chris got hired on a the County Prison. This is him before his last interview. I was so proud that he stayed persistent and got the job he wanted.

Working at a prison isn't the easiest thing in the world but he wants Corbin to be proud of him. Once he got hired we found out he had to leave for school to become certified. He went for 5 weeks to intense boot camp. Running, classes, being away from us :( Our weekends became even more special with daddy. Corbin loved the weekends when daddy was home and we didn't sleep much when he was away. But Chris was strong and it was just one more thing he could do to make our family better.

This is him at graduation!

Over the past almost two years I've watched him grow from my husband to an amazing dad. He gets up in the middle of the night when I think I can't possible get up one more time. He loves playing with our boy. They play cars, watch movies, and share snacks everyday.

I do believe there favorite thing to do together has become napping and hey who can blame them?

Chris spent a month of weekends putting together a huge swing set for Corbin. Corbin would help his daddy work on it. Most dads I grew up around would have paid someone else to do it, but not Corbin's daddy. He built this thing with is own to hands. And Corbin loves him even more for it! And so do I.

And in this last picture you can clearly tell Corbin loves his daddy and his daddy loves him. A father can teach a child so much and I'm so glad Corbin has a daddy that loves him, takes time with him, and teaches him new things all the time.

I am so blessed to have found the perfect man to create the "perfect baby" for me. I love him very much and he is the rock to our little family. So to sum it up...he is our Mr. Wonderful :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Blog Problems

Is anyone else having problems commenting on blogs? Every time I try to comment (now for weeks) it takes me back to the log in page. Ugghhhh blogger I NEED to comment!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Confessionals :)


Because I can't turn down getting stuff off my chest here goes:

I confess...that no matter what I decide for Corbin I feel like I've made the wrong decision...nap? no nap? and that's just the beginning.

I the end of the day I usually lie awake in bed and wish I had done more...cleaned a little more, played with Corbin a little more, maybe cooked a little more, worked out...always more.

I confess...I thought I had some really great friends until lately. It hurts to see people out that you thought were good friends only to have them just wave and go on...but I won't be hurt by this anymore. I'll just take note and make new friends.

I confess...I have an overdue fine at the library and I need to go pay it and sign Corbino up for the reading's summer already here :)

I confess...I love summer time but having 100 degree weather this soon is CRAZY!

Ok that should be all for now. Can't wait to see everyone else's confessionals :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bored Tonight

Thought I would link up tonight and do this since I'm a little bit bored. How can I be bored with a toddler in the house. Well he's been in the bed since 10 and even though my hubster is home he's downstairs in the Man Den watching a movie...and I've been ordered not to clean (OK :)) and to spend some me time. My "me" time tonight is coming in the form of blogging :) So here goes.


{1} If the blogging world had a talent show, what would your act be?
Oh geez...I have no talent what so ever...I can't sing, can't dance, can't play an instrument...I'll get to back to ya on that.

{2} What's the most likely reason you might become famous?
Well since the last question covered talent...I'm going to have to say it would be for winning the's the only hope I have for becoming famous :)

{3} What question are you repeatedly asked that you are tired of hearing?
So when are you having another baby!!!! I'm not so please don't ask anymore. I had a hard pregnancy and labor and it's my choice not to have anymore. I love Corbin with everything I have and I want him to have the best life possible and I think I can give him more if he's the only one. Will I regret this one day? Nope. Do I love babies? Yes...can't resist holding one when I see it. Do I miss Corbin being a baby? Everyday. But I don't get baby fever when I see them or hold them. My baby days are done. And I know this is completely off the subject well not entirely...but let me feel you in on something funny my husband has come up with. Somehow we got to talking about pain...and he said that a man getting hit in his groin is worse than a woman having a baby. Well I felt like punching him soon as he said it but I figured I would hear him here is his theory. Years after a woman has a baby she says..."oh it wasn't that bad, I will just get an epidural and I won't feel a thing. I really want a baby, they are so sweet...blah blah blah" but you never hear a man say..."you know just hit me in the groin it didn't hurt that bad" HA HA HA. He does have a point...well maybe :)
{4} What's the last thing you broke?
Thank God my hubster doesn't read my blog because the last thing I broke was his sunglasses...ooops :( And I haven't told him yet.
{5} Finish this sentence. I can't believe I used to ________.
Laugh when someone at a restaurant couldn't control their kids. I would think ha that will never be me. Guess what? I sometimes have that child that is screaming in the restaurant because his mommy isn't eating fast enough or feeding him fast enough and I love it when "that" to be mom looks at me...I know just what she is thinking.

Well that was fun. Don't forget to link up :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Naps?? Those must be for sissies :)

So now right here at 20 months old, Corbin has given up on naps. How did this happen? I don't know. Corbin has never been much of a sleeper but two days ago somehow I looked at the clock and it was 6 pm and I realized he hadn't napped. No need then because he would sleep the rest of the day and be up all night. So around 10 pm he was out. And even though he woke up a few times in the night...he didn't wake up to stay up til 11 am. Which threw us off for another day of no naps. Can't decide if I love it or hate it. On the plus side we've spent two days at the pool which is wearing him out. The hubster went back to work yesterday which made for a long day. He will be home tomorrow...thank goodness! Our kitchen is a mess and I need about an hour to spend on it so he can play cars with the little man so I can have some mommy time in the kitchen...yay! Feels like forever since I blogged last...and I'm feeling quiet random tonight. Nothing too much on my mind. Since it's summer and most of my---ok Corbin's friends---have moms that teach school or work-they are now free so I'm ready for some play dates. It's a win win situtation...I get girl talk and Corbin gets in a few hours of play time. I truly love summer! Nothing is better than grilled food, the pool, and lazy summer days. So I guess that's all for tonight.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Feeling Chatty?

I'm doing this again just because I'm feel chatty tonight. I've neglected Corbin's blog so I figured I better keep up with one of here goes...if you are feeling chatty too, follow me and link up here:

1. Do you and your spouse go to bed at the same time?
No-hardly ever do we go to bed at the same time. Why? Well for one hubster works third shift...from 6 pm to 6 am. Then when he is home he is a night owl therefore he comes to bed anywhere from 3-6 am. On the rare occasion I can talk him into coming to bed with me, he is miserable and he usually waits til I fall asleep then he's back up. It works for us so no big deal here.

2. A question for the ladies...What kind of facial hair do you like on your man?
I used to love love love Chris having a goatee, but since he's gotten this job at the Prison he keeps a clean cut baby face shave :) I'm digging it too!

3. What's the worst vacation you've ever taken?
Hands down my 21st birthday celebration weekend. My parents bought a Big Rv...or so I thought it was big. It seemed big until you put my parents, my sis and her family, then me and my then boyfriend (now my hubster) in it. We drove to Biloxi, MS so I could drink and gamble. Well it was a long ride, followed by a BORING trip to the casinos. My nephew wasn't old enough to do anything there so someone was always having to stay with him; so we never went anywhere together unless it was to eat something. I didn't win ANY money. The trip home was horrible and we ended up leaving in the middle of night. Bad trip all the way around. I am not a gambler or a drinker :(

4. What's the first-ever blog you followed?
I'm pretty sure it was Sara Dewberry's. In fact I think I first heard of a blog through her. She blogged while she was pregnant and I was fasincated with it.

5. Do you enjoy amusement parks?
I seem like Debby Downer tonight...I'm not crazy about them. I usually spend more money playing those silly games for even sillier prizes. Or I fall vicitm to buying a t-shirt, kind of my souviner for going. I do love to eat at them...I love big fountain drips, funnel cakes, pricey food I guess is in my blood :) LOL. Ahhh now I've gotten my chattiness out for the night I guess.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Happy List


Ok so I'm trying something else new today. A Happy List and I'm "linking up" to this website...

Ok so apparently this is just a list of what makes me happy or made me happy this week.

So here goes...

With this week being Mother's Day (Hubster had to work on Mother's Day) my boys took me out to breakfast Monday morning. Then for dinner we headed to my favorite Mexican food, then we went to Walmart and I got new pj's...and to top off an already perfect night we ended it at the Mix (a local frozen yogurt place). BEST MOTHER'S DAY EVER!!

And what would a happy list be without my baby? He is learning so much everyday. This week everything is ninety. Go figure where he came up with that. If you ask him what time daddy calls's ninety. How much is that (while he holding his dollar)? Ninety. What time is it now? Ninety.

And last but not least I should probably include my hubby. I guess all marriages go through tough times and I feel like we have been at that point lately. But we are both working on it and I'm finally appreicating all he does for us. I think sometimes we lose sight of what our spouses are doing...and we tend the concentrate on what they aren't doing. I'm lucky to have him and he makes me so happy.

So that's my list hope you decide to follow along I'm beginning to think this might be fun!

Friday, May 13, 2011

5 question Friday

1. Tube socks, calf socks, crew, ankle, none? (From@ThisDaddys_Blog)

The only socks that I like are extra low cut...unless I'm cold then I will slide a pair of hubsters on but only until I warm up.

2. Was your childs (children's) name a mutual decision or was it a debate? If you don't have children, do you plan on giving your spouse a say, or do you have a name you MUST have, regardless if your other half likes it or not?! (From @momtodh)

I think we just threw names out there until we agreed on Corbin and I stood firm with the Wilson for his middle name...I don't have a brother to carry on our last name so I figured this was the next best thing.

3. What is your favorite type of weather? (From@TheSpunkyDiva)

I love cloudy, rainy, thunderstorm type weather. All though if the sun is outside so am I. But how I love a rainy night...or day.

4. If left to your own devices, what time would you wake up every day? (From Sandy at "Pardon My Dust")

Well if I can go to bed when I want too...I would prefer to wake up early but since our baby boy is a night owl we usually wake up around 9:30 and that's ok too.

5. Have you bought your cemetery plots yet? (From Pam at "Troop Petrie")

Nope...that's a big on going discussion here...I want to be buried close to my family and hubster wants to be buried where we can have huge tombstones...hopefully we have a while to debate this one.

Can't wait to follow everyone else now :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day. A few years ago all it meant was going and finding the perfect gift for my mom. Two years ago all that changed.

Here is me on Mother's Day in 2009, I had found out the day before that I was expecting a baby boy. Corbin Wilson Tweedell. He has forever changed my life and what Mother's Day means to me.

Moms are a special breed of people. They can do the unthinkable. Moms stay up all night with babies and yet manage to get up at 7 am when the alarm clock goes off. They cook meals, wash the dishes, all while entertaining little ones. Moms are never off duty. They are 24/7 nurses, teachers, counselors, referees, and list of other things. I'm so lucky to know so many great moms. So here in this long blog I'm going to introduce you to just a few of the amazing moms I know. So let's start...

First is my mom. What an incredible mom she is. I can't even begin to tell you what she means to me. She and I have a relationship like no other! She is one of my best friends. She is a loving, caring, sweet mom, who I've learned everything about being a mom from. She devoted her life to me. She quit work when I was born to take care of me. She did a great job. I know I wasn't the easiest child, I hated sleep (if you wondered where Corbin got that from ha!), I didn't eat sandwhiches (I had to have vegetables at every meal, and at least three of them ), and I hated clothes, which meant most of the time she was fighting me to keep them on. Now she is an even better Granny to Corbin. He is super lucky to have a granny that loves him so much.

Next is Miss Romick. I met this girl in the 6th grade and as time went on she was the last person I thought I would have two kids before me. Well she did and let me tell you she is one amazing mom. She loves her boys and you can truly tell. She is devoted to them like no other mom. It seems like most of her kids lives she has been away from home *Newnan* See her husband joined the Army which took them to Oklahoma where she had her second child. Then the Army took them to Japan. Now raising one child is a difficult task if you ask me but throw in two kids, a 13 hour plane ride, moving to a foreign country where you know no one and not even able to speak their langauage...well I would be a nervous wreck and on the first plane back to the "states". But did she? No. She made the most of it. This is why I look up to her. She took the situtation and made the most of it. She is one brave mama! *And let me explain the picture...this is right after they came back to the states and this is Corbin's first time meeting her. She is trying to convince him to have his picture made and that she isn't crazy!*

Ok now onto Miss Bays. This girl makes everything look simple. She's got twin girls that are too cute for words. She was the maid of honor in my wedding and while planning my wedding I got used to seeing her girls a lot. When I found out I was pregnant with Corbin I prayed he was twins because I saw how easy she made it look. She makes sure her girls have fun even doing the simplest things. She doesn't live near us so I rely on facebook to know how the girls are doing. I enjoy watching her post how the girls enjoy splashing in mud puddles. These are things that most parents have abannoned. I love that they go to the library and take adavantage of the little things. She is an amazing mom that never ceases to amaze me. I look up to her and remember to take time to just enjoy Corbin as he is. (This picture was made at their house Christmas 2009, she couldn't wait to get her hands on Corbin!)

So here is a new friend of mine that I think of as Super Mom. Why? Well let's see...she has a daughter the same age as Corbin, plus a new baby Cullen. She is a high school teacher that teaches AP European History, plus she teaches a college class once a week too. Full plate? I think so. She has became a very close friend of mine. I enjoy talking to her and watching how she mothers her children. It's so great to have someone with a child close to Corbin's age. I think she must be super mom to have two kids under the age of two!!!

Now to change it up just a bit. This is my Aunt Jeanine. She is like a mother to me. She used to tease me that she gave me up for adoption so my parents could have another child. We are very much a like! When I have a bad day I know I can call her and some how she puts everything into perspective. I so wish we lived closer so I could spend more time with her. And so Corbin would know her better. She is one awesome Aunt. :)

Ok for this next person I have to thank Chris. I met Chrissy through Chris's best man Scott. Chrissy is the beautiful mother to three babies. She has Kyllie who is 4, Brentlee how is one 15 months old, and Bryson who is 9 weeks old. She like all moms struggle with juggling work, the house hold chores, and married life. What do I adore about her? She is real. She doesn't sugar coat anything to me. I learn so much from watching her. She loves her church and believes in God like no one else I know. She is a sweet, kind, loving girl and I am so lucky to know her!

And last but certainly not least...there was Amy. My best friend in the whole world. She was the BEST mom hands down. She is the kind of mom who didn't care if the kids ran through the house and made a mess as long as they were having a good time. I remember sitting on her couch and listening to the doors open and slam a million times while her three kids ran through the house, in the front door and out the back. She loved her kids like no other. I swear there wasn't anything she would't do for them. Amy was a smart, loving person; who honestly in my eyes could do no wrong. I looked up to her for everything. There wasn't anything she couldn't do. Amy died a few years back and days like today make me so sad. Sad because she isn't here for her kids to celebrate Mother's day with, sad because she didn't meet Corbin, sad because her mom doesn't have anyone to visit her and bring her flowers, cards, or a sweet gift because her only child is gone. Even though Corbin and I visited and left her a card with a flower I know it isn't the same. So tonight I sit here and struggle with the fact that I'm lucky to have Corbin yet I feel so sad that so many moms don't have their children to hold or hug tonight. I'm so lucky to have Corbin and even though he doesn't sleep, and we've reached the terrible twos a little bit early I'm lucky to be his mom! Happy Mother's Day

Here's Amy and her youngest boy Austin, of course Amy is driving the big there anything she couldn't do? I don't think so :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ok so I'm not much of one to "blog hop" or link up but this looked like fun so here goes. Apparently it's Five Question Friday and since the boys are napping and my house is spotless *ha ha ha*

I thought I would take the time to participate. So here goes. Apparently all you do is answer the questions and then link up. Here is my first 5QF...

1. Have you ever had roommates?

Nope not even once and thank God because I'm probably way to hard to get along with if you live withe me.

2. How many names do you/your children have? (i.e. Prince Charming William Phillip Arthur Louis John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt)

Just the usual three (first, middle, last) Kind of boring huh? Although I always feel sorry for those that have a million names....and I guess since our last name (Tweedell) isn't the easiest in the world to spell I'm glad I've only got three :)

3. Did you watch the Royal Wedding?

Sure did. Did I plan on it-set the alarm-have a party? No, but when Corbin woke up at 6 I decided what the heck. It was like a fairy tale and it made me want to get married again...yeah right!

4. What is the messiest room in your house?

Well let me narrow it down...hold on.....ok it's between the bedroom, the kitchen, or our closet, or the toy room...ok let me throw the bathroom in there too, don't want it to feel left out. Yeah that about covers it. And this question makes me wonder why I'm blogging instead of cleaning...hmmmm.

5. What is your ideal mothers day?

Last year I had some crazy perfect idea in my head, like breakfast in bed, glorious gifts, and being showered with diamonds all day. Then I woke up to a screaming baby, no breakfast -but I did get a bed in breakfast tray-and a sleeping husband who had to work that night and boy was I disappointed. So this year if Corbin and I are just happy then I'm going to say that would be perfect. Would I love to wake up to flowers and a gift-yep-but if it doesn't happen that will be ok too. Maybe Corbin and I can sneak off to the park and play-since Dad works again this year.

Well I've completed my first questionnaire...that was fun...can't wait til the next one!

You should link up too!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Here I Go Again...

So after pulling out my summer capri's (I don't wear a lot of shorts, at least not out of our house) and trying them on I decided it's time to lose a little weight. After I had Corbin it was like the weight just melted off, but lately it's been slowly creeping up on me. Corbin is super active but the only problem is he is constantly eating. Snacks are a must around here. He eats from the time he gets up til just a few minutes before he goes to bed. We love food in our house, that's no secret! And poor baby is hooked on biscuits every morning for breakfast! How am I going to lose weight with my sweet baby in tow? Who knows. But I'm sure going to try. This morning I skipped breakfast (I know I shouldn't have but I sure didn't want biscuits) *note to self-buy something I'll eat for breakfast* For lunch I had a 6 inch veggie sub from Subway. Now my parents have invited us to Golden's for dinner. Golden's = well there goes my diet today :) Corbin and I did take a walk this morning. Corbin loves to walk (well ride) and I enjoy it too, just wish we lived in a better part of town so it would be safer. Hopefully we can keep up the walking I just have a hard time talking the hubster into walking with us on his days off since he walks all night at work; it's the last thing he wants to do when he's home. Hopefully I will lose a few pounds this spring so I can at least wear some clothes and not have to wear jeans all summer long! Happy Dieting to anyone else trying to lose weight!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sleep Are You There?

Sleep...sleep...where are you? I've seem to have lost you! Last week Corbin did so well sleeping all night one night and most of the night one other time. Those days are gone and we are back to sleeping 3 hours and being done. It was a rough night to say the least. I never made it to bed. I was up cleaning for my friend to come and then once I got in the bed...guess who got up? Yep my main squeeze :) Oh well like they say this won't last long...right? Anyway I'm super excited that I'm having a play date today. Ok so she's bringing one of her little boys but he's too young to play with Corbin so basically it's just us sitting around and gossiping. Ahhh girl talk how I've missed you! I love my family, don't get me wrong, but I desperately need girl talk to stay sane. She is on her way and I've got lunch started. Corbin is finally sleeping and I'm taking a few minutes to sit down before he's up and running around. I'm hoping that today will set the mood for a great weekend. I so need a good one. I've been feeling kinda bleh lately. Hopefully this will kick start a wonderful weekend. So anyway guess I need to go finish up lunch and wake up Corbin, yes I said wake him up, if he sleeps much later it means no nap time, which means, earlier bed time, which means he'll be up my midnight :(

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pass the Margaritas Please

I'm not much of a drinker and I haven't had a drink since Jan. 2009 but tonight I could sure use one. Today was just one of those days where you don't want to get out of the bed and face the day. Unfortunately Corbin was ready to face the day at 3 am, and since I didn't get to sleep until almost 2 it didn't make for the best start to the day. Thankfully hubster comes home around 6:15 so I got a much needed break. My great Aunt passed away a few days ago and today was the viewing. Since my mom has been battling the stomach flu (thanks to my boys for sharing) I ran a few errands for her this morning, picking up a meat and cheese tray for family, delivering it, paying a few bills, the usual. I did slow down long enough to enjoy my lunch with my boys. We had our lunch on our back porch, Corbin's new favorite place to eat. It's so cute because when I was little whatever my mom or dad had on their plate always tasted better than what I had, even if we had the same thing, well today I've noticed that Corbin thinks mine must taste better too! And that's just fine because I'm still that way even today...whatever Chris has always tastes better than mine. Anyway my car had an appointment today to get her front end readjusted (I'm beginning to think I might need mine too ha!). Well what was supposed to be just an hour long 74.99 job turned out to be much more. The place closes at 5 and they called me at 4:30 to tell me that they couldn't do it because I needed new ball joints-which would cost...wait for it because trust me it's dramatic...

Once I picked my jaw up off the floor I made sure that they knew not to touch my car I was coming to get it. My day immediately got worse. I just had new tires put on my car that was a whooping 590.00 and now if I don't get my front end aligned it will ruin my tires. My day went down hill fast. But what can you do? I guess Corbin will just have to flip burgers for a living because there is no way we can afford to live and save money for college or anything else for that matter! Chris said not to worry and to enjoy the day. He is the best at trying to make me forget my problems. We got dressed up and went to dinner before we had to go to the viewing tonight at the funeral home. I know most funerals are super sad, but I was really happy to spend some time with family. I feel like Corbin is growing up so fast and my parents and my sis and her family are the only ones that really know Corbin. Corbin enjoyed running around with the M&M girls. *my cousin and his wife's initials are MM-both of them are and all the girls have M names-therefore they are the M&M family-which is where I got the idea for all C names while we were naming shopping* To make the most of our night when we left the funeral home I treated my boys to frozen yogurt at The Mix. If you live in Newnan you must try this place!!! We love it. Hubster and I actually got the same amount of ice cream tonight... 10.9 oz. each. I think he had three different kinds of yogurt, I had two and a ton of toppings. I decided to go healthy tonight, I had Very French Vanilla and Key Lime yogurt, mangos, strawberries, raspberries, coconut, walnuts, pecans, mango sauce, kiwi sauce, and marshmallow creme! Oh was it ever good!!!! Then to top off the night we came home and jumped on the trampoline in the dark. So I guess it was about an even day of goods and bads. Not sure what I will do about my car...but there is always tomorrow so I'm not going to spend the night worrying. Think I'll go pour myself a cherry Dr. pepper and snuggle on the couch with the hubster :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Sweet Boy

May 10, 2009; a day that will forever be etched in my memory. It was the day before Mother's Day and I had an early appointment at Baby Dimensions to find out what we were having. While shopping at Target a few weeks before I picked out the cutest little pink stroller that held her first baby doll. Chris picked out a Mickey Mouse airplane and it was decided right then it there whatever we were having...that was his/her first birthday gift. I secretly thought I was a having girl. Well just a few minutes later after we got there we found out...It's a BOY!!! I cried. I've never told anyone this but Chris, but they weren't tears of joy. I cried because I really wanted a girl. Carrie Nicole. My mom had bought a dress for her to come home in. Yes seriously. I know we are both a little crazy. I dried my tears and thought about how silly I was being. I became thankful that my baby was healthy and that's all that really mattered. We stopped at Babies' R Us and Chris bought a teether, a blue and green teether to be exact. Devin bought his first baseball and I bought a brown and green diaper bag. I spent months getting ready for Corbin. I became quickly disappointed that there isn't much stuff for boys. No super cute clothes. You can't put bows in boys hair or paint their nails. Then on October 1st 2009 Corbin Wilson Tweedell entered this world and I honestly don't know how I existed before. He was perfect! He was a boy and all I've ever wanted. No there wasn't any frilly clothes-big bows-or pink in our house we are ALL BLUE! He is 18 months old now and he is ALL BOY-100%! We play in the dirt, dig for worms, squish bugs, run, jump, try to fly, have gun fights, watch cowboys and Indians, burp loud and laugh a lot. I can't imagine why in the world I wanted a girl now! Who wants to sit inside and have tea parties....not me! We've had a fun filled day and you know how I know he had a great time...because he was filthy when we came inside tonight :) Dirty baby=Happy Boy :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Great Friends

My mom has always said that you can never have too many friends. How true this is. But is it really worth having a bunch of people that you call friends if they are only friends some of the time? Not sure about that one. But I've learned a very important lesson this week. I would rather have two or three great friends than have a whole bunch of friends that are only friends with me when it's convenient for them. We went and celebrated a big birthday last night with Chris's old friend from work. We don't get to see this couple very much since Chris no longer works with him and they don't live around here but when we do get together it's like we pick right up where we left off. They are the same people every time we see them, no phony act with these two. They are a joy to be around and we love there kids and they adore Corbin. That's what true friends are. They can share the good, the bad, and the ugly with you and not worry that you will judge them. I could call them anytime day or night and they would be here for us. They love us for who we are and we love them the same. Here is just one picture from the night and it's my favorite. I love this girl! We are here for each other through thick and thin! Can't wait to spend more time with them! Happy Birthday Mr. Scott T. Hall :)

Miss Chrissy, Me, and Of course my sidekick Corbin :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Better Half

For richer or poorer, in good times and bad, til death do us part. Words to live by once you get married. When I met Chris I wasn't looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. I was 17 and hadn't been on but one date. Never in my wildest dream did I imagine I would end up falling completely head over heels for this guy and marry him some 8 years later. He was more than I could have ever asked for in a spouse. He definitely brings out the best in me. He knows me better than anyone. Even though I have my moments he loves me unconditionally. When I was younger I had a friend, Amy, whose husband was crazy about her. It didn't matter what she did, he was there for her and he loved her like crazy! I thought that's the kind of man I want to marry. When I was in labor with Corbin and I watched Chris stand by my side, hold my hand while I was pain, and try his best to make me smile I knew then I had found my soul mate. He is one amazing dad and husband. He is truly my better half. He makes me a better person and I just hope that Corbin grows up to be just like him. Which is some pretty big shoes to fill.

Couldn't resist putting this picture up. You can tell by looking at his face he is the one that was staying up ALL night with Corbin every night. I was so drugged up the first month that I was home he would stay up ALL night long and wake me up when it was time to feed Corbin. He changed every diaper in the middle of the night. I never had to leave the bed. He is an amazing man and I just felt like bragging :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mommy Needs A Play Date

So the more and more I think about I think play dates are just as important for me as they are for Corbin. I haven't had one in about two or three weeks and I think I'm dying for one! Corbin only has two friends that are actually close to his age so I don't want to stalk them for a play date but I NEED ONE! Play dates have kind of become my way of talking to someone in an adult voice who actually listens and responds back. Don't get me wrong I love my time with my son but I need my girl talk too. And trust me I talk about completely different stuff with my hubster than I talk about with my "girls". I would love to have a girls night out but with money tight with everyone right now I would feel guilty leaving Corbino and the hubster and spend money on myself. So that's about all that I needed to get off my chest. It's been pretty busy around here between hubster putting together the swing set and having people over to watch the baby play outside. By the way our yard looks like Disney World and I'm not kidding. We've got a ton of toys...I'm sure people are riding by going when did they open a day care center there? What can I say? Our baby boy is blessed. Oh and speaking of which...I got cleaned out this drawers the other day and refolded everything...the kid has 63 pair of shorts! Who needs that many? Did I buy them all? Nope I can honestly say that 95% were hand me downs! Love those! I think I might have 5 pair of shorts and I'm pretty sure Chris has maybe 6 or 7 but our child has 63! Guess that's what happens when you have 4 older cousins that are all boys! Well Corbino has been in bed for about an hour now...think I'll go grab a nice hot bath and crawl in bed beside him and play the DSi until I fall asleep too. Oh and Happy Spring. It used to be my favorite time of year but since Corbino has developed allergies it means No open windows :(

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog Giveaway

I've becomed obessed with finding Corbin cute monogramed clothes without spending a fortune. So far the only thing he has his is 1st birthday shirt, which he wears ALL the time. So I found a great blog a long time ago and now she's hosting a giveaway for a 50.00 credit from SHESHEMADE! I sure hope I can win Corbin some cute clothes!

Want to enter? Go here and follow the directions. Good Luck!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

This is Why We are Perfect for Each Other

So last night my parents bought Corbin a trampoline! It's huge! I was slightly excited for myself because I love to jump! But I was more excited that maybe just maybe this would wear Corbin out so we could both get some much needed sleep. Well since Chris works nights some times I leave a note to let him know what went on while he was a work. Last night I left him a lengthy note letting him know what the plans were for Easter, that I made him a special little snack in the fridge, and that my parents bought a trampoline for our already packed yard and they were coming to put it up today. So I asked him in the note "where do you want it?" Here is what the note said in response to my question.

In case you can't read that it says..."trampoline put here" Because it's flat land. Ok so I saw this and laughed because I thought he was being silly, you know x marks the spot. So anyway Corbin and go outside and what do I spot soon as I open our front door? This...

Seriously x marked the spot where the trampoline was supposed to go. This is why we are perfect for each other! He knows exactly what I need from him. A visual :) He's the best husband ever and I'm so glad he's mine!

Friday, March 11, 2011

#1 Construction Party

Woo hoo! This week over at Kelly's Korner it's Show Us Your Life-Kid's Birthday Parties! Boy do I love to plan parties. I swear to you I was planning Corbin's 1st birthday before he was born. When he was born it was like the countdown was on. We put a lot of thought into his first party and I hope that it showed. We decided to go with a construction theme. I researched the Internet what seemed like forever! I found a great website it gave me a ton of ideas. From those ideas and few of my own here is what we did for Corbin's 1st birthday party!

Together Chris and I went to numerous yard sales hunting down any kind of road signs. I was lucky enough to find a guy that knew someone that worked on the road department crew here in Newnan and I found real street signs. Got three of them for only 15.00 which I considered a steal! (Plus they did double duty, they were cute hanging on the trees on the way down my sis's driveway where the party was held, now they look awesome in my husbands game room)

Here is a picture of the tables...each table had a it's own dirt cake in a bucket. This worked out great and plus someone from each table ended up taking cake home!

We really used all of our cousin works for GA Power and he got us these real construction cones, perfect for roping off gifts.

Here is Corbin's Cake, at the time he wasn't a big sweets person so we did him a dirt cake too, no smash cake for our precious boy, but I think he loved the cake! By the way his banner says Being One Rocks..and the cake was covered in chocolate rocks.

Lots of people told us not to invite many people, keep it small, he will get whiny with all the people around...blah blah blah. Well we had 50+ guests with adults and kids and he loved every minute of it. He is such a people person that it was like a perfect day to him. Plenty of people to play with him, hold him, love on him, and watch him open tons of gifts. And he acted like he loved every one of them! (even the clothes!)

And boy did he rack up on the gifts or what!

Here's one idea I stole from another person. It says Corbin's Construction Est. Oct 1 2009 (his birthday) And it was covered with pictures from the time he was born until his birthday!

He had an awesome party! We served hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw, chips and drinks. Each kid got a hard hat, a tool apron (super cheap at Lowe's), a goodie bag complete with stickers, silly bands, bubbles, and a little bit of candy! The party last a few hours and it was perfect in our eyes and I kid you not before we could leave my sister's drive way I was talking about his second one. But you've gotta give me a little credit her driveway is almost a mile long! HA! (Just a little secret I'm planning a Cowboy party for this year and I've already got a million ideas) I can't wait to see what everyone else has come up with!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So we've been iced in for two days now...which is terrible. I'm not used to staying home; couped up with nothing really to do. Corbin and I have read every book, and I'm not exaggerating, in this house at least twice. So with all this time I've had a lot of time to think about stuff. Just stuff...stuff I want to do to house, things I want to do with Corbin, places I want to go, but more importantly friends. For some reason I've always been the girl with just one close friend. In elementary school Christie was my best friend. She was my only real friend in elementary school. Then we hit middle school and Holly and I were pretty close and I met lots of different people. I met my two Brandi's in middle school. Then there was high school. I loved every minute of high school honestly. I was around so many different people. In high school I had lots of close friends but it was weird because they were all so different so it wasn't like we all hung out together. After high school those friendships I had in high school that I thought were strong proved a little bit wrong. People I thought I would be talking to every day didn't exactly turn out that way and that's ok because for the first time in my life I feel like the friends I have today are the friends I will have the rest of my life. Each one of my friends is completely different and I love them all. I have a friend that I can call and tell everything too and I know she is going to give me her honest opinion no matter what. I've got a friend that even though I don't see her much I know if I need her she will be here. And I've even got a friend that if something happened to me I would feel confident leaving Corbin with her. That's a true friend. I hope that my friends know what they mean to me. They are everything to me. I'm so blessed to have so many good people in my life and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Me Blog???

Ok it's been a while since I blogged. Corbino seems to be able to keep up with his but me not so much. So it's a new year and time for me to get serious about this blog LOL. Corbin keeps me on my toes 24/7 but I need to start at least trying to blog a little bit each day even if it's just something sweet he does. So let's start with today. Corbin love to watch westerns with my dad. When I say love I MEAN LOVES!!!!! My dad is serious about his remote so if he lets you touch it, you are privileged. Corbin grabbed his remote today and then held out his arms to get on the bed. Daddy was laying down but he pulled him up on the bed and what did Corbin do? He laid down with him and held the remote just like my daddy does. Too funny. And of course I didn't have my camera so my mom took one with hers. Unfortunately hers is a camera that has to be developed. Seriously they still make them? Anyway I just can't wait to see the pictures. Chris and I had date night tonight. We had a great time and now we are going downstairs to watch a movie and enjoy a little time to ourselves. Hopefully I will find time to blog tomorrow :)