Friday, May 20, 2011

Feeling Chatty?

I'm doing this again just because I'm feel chatty tonight. I've neglected Corbin's blog so I figured I better keep up with one of here goes...if you are feeling chatty too, follow me and link up here:

1. Do you and your spouse go to bed at the same time?
No-hardly ever do we go to bed at the same time. Why? Well for one hubster works third shift...from 6 pm to 6 am. Then when he is home he is a night owl therefore he comes to bed anywhere from 3-6 am. On the rare occasion I can talk him into coming to bed with me, he is miserable and he usually waits til I fall asleep then he's back up. It works for us so no big deal here.

2. A question for the ladies...What kind of facial hair do you like on your man?
I used to love love love Chris having a goatee, but since he's gotten this job at the Prison he keeps a clean cut baby face shave :) I'm digging it too!

3. What's the worst vacation you've ever taken?
Hands down my 21st birthday celebration weekend. My parents bought a Big Rv...or so I thought it was big. It seemed big until you put my parents, my sis and her family, then me and my then boyfriend (now my hubster) in it. We drove to Biloxi, MS so I could drink and gamble. Well it was a long ride, followed by a BORING trip to the casinos. My nephew wasn't old enough to do anything there so someone was always having to stay with him; so we never went anywhere together unless it was to eat something. I didn't win ANY money. The trip home was horrible and we ended up leaving in the middle of night. Bad trip all the way around. I am not a gambler or a drinker :(

4. What's the first-ever blog you followed?
I'm pretty sure it was Sara Dewberry's. In fact I think I first heard of a blog through her. She blogged while she was pregnant and I was fasincated with it.

5. Do you enjoy amusement parks?
I seem like Debby Downer tonight...I'm not crazy about them. I usually spend more money playing those silly games for even sillier prizes. Or I fall vicitm to buying a t-shirt, kind of my souviner for going. I do love to eat at them...I love big fountain drips, funnel cakes, pricey food I guess is in my blood :) LOL. Ahhh now I've gotten my chattiness out for the night I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, a vacation in an RV with your family is never a good idea. You can't get away!!! Yikes!!

    Thanks for following, I'm following you back!! :o)
