Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bored Tonight

Thought I would link up tonight and do this since I'm a little bit bored. How can I be bored with a toddler in the house. Well he's been in the bed since 10 and even though my hubster is home he's downstairs in the Man Den watching a movie...and I've been ordered not to clean (OK :)) and to spend some me time. My "me" time tonight is coming in the form of blogging :) So here goes.


{1} If the blogging world had a talent show, what would your act be?
Oh geez...I have no talent what so ever...I can't sing, can't dance, can't play an instrument...I'll get to back to ya on that.

{2} What's the most likely reason you might become famous?
Well since the last question covered talent...I'm going to have to say it would be for winning the's the only hope I have for becoming famous :)

{3} What question are you repeatedly asked that you are tired of hearing?
So when are you having another baby!!!! I'm not so please don't ask anymore. I had a hard pregnancy and labor and it's my choice not to have anymore. I love Corbin with everything I have and I want him to have the best life possible and I think I can give him more if he's the only one. Will I regret this one day? Nope. Do I love babies? Yes...can't resist holding one when I see it. Do I miss Corbin being a baby? Everyday. But I don't get baby fever when I see them or hold them. My baby days are done. And I know this is completely off the subject well not entirely...but let me feel you in on something funny my husband has come up with. Somehow we got to talking about pain...and he said that a man getting hit in his groin is worse than a woman having a baby. Well I felt like punching him soon as he said it but I figured I would hear him here is his theory. Years after a woman has a baby she says..."oh it wasn't that bad, I will just get an epidural and I won't feel a thing. I really want a baby, they are so sweet...blah blah blah" but you never hear a man say..."you know just hit me in the groin it didn't hurt that bad" HA HA HA. He does have a point...well maybe :)
{4} What's the last thing you broke?
Thank God my hubster doesn't read my blog because the last thing I broke was his sunglasses...ooops :( And I haven't told him yet.
{5} Finish this sentence. I can't believe I used to ________.
Laugh when someone at a restaurant couldn't control their kids. I would think ha that will never be me. Guess what? I sometimes have that child that is screaming in the restaurant because his mommy isn't eating fast enough or feeding him fast enough and I love it when "that" to be mom looks at me...I know just what she is thinking.

Well that was fun. Don't forget to link up :)

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